You have spent a lot of time developing your product, studying the target audience, and analyzing market trends in detail. There were many questions in front of you that required your answer. You are confident in your product until your potential customer asks the most difficult question:
"Why should I buy from you?"
Most often, the answers are quite typical: “we have the best product”, or “we are the best in our field”. Of course, there are those who say: “we are unique in the market” or “we have the lowest price”.
The problem is that most companies say this, so customers stop believing in the truthfulness of the information provided. These phrases do not allow the client to realize how the product or service will affect their lives, and make them happier.
In fact, customers tend to make decisions based on price.
If a customer can't tell the difference between your products and those of your competitors, the price will often be the determining factor in their purchase.
It is hard to convince customers about a particular product. Many do not realize the value of the product or certain of its properties. They diligently research all the offerings on the market to make the right decision.
Creating arguments in favor of your business is not an easy task that requires considerable effort and time. For the client, the difficulty of choosing a product is associated with a large number of suppliers on the market.
The way sales are made has changed a lot. You can no longer succeed by advertising the benefits of your product. As long as the focus is on products, the customer will compare and look for what is better or worse in your solution.
Remember the famous movie "The Wolf of Wall Street". The main mistake of top managers was that they simply praised the product. They were not interested in who they were selling to and why these people needed their goods at all.
You must learn more about your customer - their preferences, interests, and buying habits. What product did they buy recently? Are they happy with his purchase? What problem could they encounter while using it? Can your product fix the customer's problem? If yes, then offer it. Your customer will buy from you if your product solves a problem or if it has a visible benefit.
Let's move on to the classic interview test when you need to sell a pen. You've probably already heard about it. Many lectures and books are devoted to this issue. Here it is important not to go to the description of the properties of this pen, but to transfer your attention to clarifying the needs of a potential client.
Before you sell, you should get answers to these questions:
- How often do you plan to use the pen?
- Why do you want to buy it?
- What disadvantages have you encountered before?
- What do you value most in pens?
You must let your customers know that you can best meet their needs. But for this, you must ask what criteria are key for them in choosing a product. Show that it is important for you not just to sell your product under the slogan "we are the best", but to help find the product that will be the solution to the buyer's problem.
Think carefully about what can add value to your business. This will become a strength for you and your customers. By thinking this way, you are moving away from simply comparing products by price to finding solutions that mean so much more to your customers.